


Eshibition of V Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes (Almeria shorts film festival) about the film How I Won The War, directed by Richard Lester, with John Lennon; filmed in Almería in 1966.
Sala de exposiciones del Instituto de Estudios Almerienses
Mayo.junio 2006
Exhibition organizer: Javier Adolfo Iglesias
Design. Elías Palmero
Staging: Sprint Design

Lennon speaking with a boy at Carboneras beach

In the fourtieth anniversary Lester and lennon back together in Almería.
John Lennon never apparead as relaxed, as sdimiling, and as good as he did in the photographs taken in Almería (...) did not look like a Beatle; he looked tired, bored, thoughtfull, smiling without pretendig.
Javier Adolfo Iglesias
Journalist and exhibition organizer

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Lennon speaking with a boy at Carboneras beach

Es evidente que este chico no sabía con estaba hablando. ¿Lo sabe ahora?

Anónimo dijo...

no sabía con QUIEN estaba hablando